Short Surahs – Webinar

Below are a series of webinars that supplement our Surah book, Short Surahs.

The aim of this series of webinars is to communicate recitation of Surahs with accuracy and correct pronunciation and where applicable highlight common errors that are made whilst reciting Surahs.

It is an invaluable resource for pupils, parents and teachers.

Pupils and parents are strongly advised to watch the webinars when memorising and revising Surahs.

Istiʿadhah & Basmalah

Level 2 Surahs

Surah al-Fatihah

Surah al-Falaq

Surah al-ʾIkhlas

Surah an-Nas

Level 3 Surahs

Surah al-Kawthar

Surah an-Nasr

ʾAyatul Kursi

Surah al-Kafirun

Surah al-Lahab

Level 4 Surahs

Surah al-ʿAsr

Surah al-Fil

Surah al-Maʿun

Surah al-Humazah

Surah al-Quraysh

Level 5 Surahs

Surah al-Zilzal

Surah al-Qariʿah

Surah al-ʿAdiyat

Surah at-Takathur

Level 6 Surahs | Videos Coming Soon

Surah ad-Duha

Surah al-ʾInshirah